
In 1985, the Dangerfield Institute of Urban Problems (DIUP) was founded by Elouise Dangerfield. The former Licensed Vocational Nurse became concerned about the growing number of drug addicted infants without quality rehabilitative care available. In the mid 80's, she became a part of the solution and became a Certified Foster Parent.

This became the catalyst for a greater vision, and in 1989 she established one of only two residential programs for drug-addicted infants in the State f California. These programs, along with a trained team of professionals, provided these infants with specialized services.

Today, the agency serves children, birth parents, resource families, and the community through their Foster Family Agency, Resource Family Approval (RFA) project, and the Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP).  

DIUP opened the doors of the FFA in October 1994. This program was formed to recruit quality, and dedicated individuals to provide safe harbors in the community for abused children ranging in the age of newborn to 18 years old, and even Non-Minor Dependents (NMD) up to age 21. Whether placing a single child, or a set of siblings, the FFA's goal is to place these children in a safe and nurturing environment. 

There is ongoing training and support like pre-certification training, CPR and First Aid certification for the resource families. These tools are put into place so that abused children can have an alternative home away from endangerment and unhealthy situations, because unfortunately their birth parents are unable to provide proper care.

Since each situation may vary, the length of time children remain in care is different, but it has always been our mission to provide compassionate and culturally relevant services to empower foster youth.

DIUP is concerned about each child's present and future; that is why we desire to help foster children reach their maximum potential in every step of their lives. In addition, there are continuous specialized services and community collaborations for at-risk youth once Resource Family Approval is completed.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide compassionate, culturally relevant services to empower our foster youth. Dangerfield Institute of Urban Problems has two goals:

1. The first goal is to provide services that enable all foster youth to reach their maximum emotional, social, educational, and developmental potential.

2. Our second is to instill the necessary empowerment tools to families through positive professional parental role models, and provide extensive counseling, therapy, and parenting education.